Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Adoption?

The concept of adoption for me (Danny) has been an eye opener, and one that causes great thankfulness.  I too was once adopted, by Christ through the shedding of His blood and resurrection.  No longer am I dead in sin, but I'm alive in Christ because of His great love for me.  He not only loves me but He also is my provider, comforter, protector and one in whom I can fully trust (lean on).  I (we) have the opportunity to provide this kind of love to one of God's treasured.  There is a great responsibility in being a father and my heavenly Father deems me suitable for this role and I'm honored to be chosen.  I am choosing to take on the role to love, comfort, provide and protect this little one.  As Christ followers we have been grafted into the Kingdom of God, being re-gened into the image of Christ.  Truly it will be a blessing grafting our little one into our earthly family, living out the Gospel of Christ.  Again, a great responsibility but through Christ all things all possible.  Thanks for your listening ear...hopefully not to preachy, just what's on my heart.  Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. I really love what comes from your heart! You're gonna be the best dad...never doubted that! Thank you for making it possible for me to be a "Nonni" for the 6th time!!! So excited...can hardly wait!
