Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Adoption Bug fundraiser

We have two fundraisers up and running now....

The first is on a cute website called Adoption Bug. We have an online store where we are selling t-shirts. Just be sure if you purchase a shirt to use our link instead of the general website so we can get credit.  Check it out:

The next is for coffee lovers! Click below to order some delicious fair-trade coffees...

thank you for all your support!!!

:) Heidi and Danny

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I can't believe it...

We are already approved with all our paperwork. That sentence sounds weird grammatically, but you know what I mean! I was expecting it to take a couple more weeks for them to review- Vicki Carter is the most awesome admin ever! We are matched with our caseworker...Jennifer Hart! Now, it's on to creating our profile book and getting prepared for our homestudy.  Too bad I don't have any energy left to think about the book right now. :( School is wiping me out!
I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things in a few weeks and will be able to begin the most daunting task of creating THE BOOK.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Paperwork is complete!!!

whew...I'm tired.  We are now waiting for the paperwork to be reviewed and approved- and then we will schedule a time for our caseworker to come and do our homestudy process.  On to other things...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Adoption?

The concept of adoption for me (Danny) has been an eye opener, and one that causes great thankfulness.  I too was once adopted, by Christ through the shedding of His blood and resurrection.  No longer am I dead in sin, but I'm alive in Christ because of His great love for me.  He not only loves me but He also is my provider, comforter, protector and one in whom I can fully trust (lean on).  I (we) have the opportunity to provide this kind of love to one of God's treasured.  There is a great responsibility in being a father and my heavenly Father deems me suitable for this role and I'm honored to be chosen.  I am choosing to take on the role to love, comfort, provide and protect this little one.  As Christ followers we have been grafted into the Kingdom of God, being re-gened into the image of Christ.  Truly it will be a blessing grafting our little one into our earthly family, living out the Gospel of Christ.  Again, a great responsibility but through Christ all things all possible.  Thanks for your listening ear...hopefully not to preachy, just what's on my heart.  Blessings!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My fun new shirt...

My sweet friend Vanessa bought me this adorable shirt!!! I proudly wore it today to Gladney to pay our first payment and turn in a big chunk 'o paperwork. I smiled all day.  We are in the process of getting approved for fundraising by selling our own cute shirts through so stay tuned!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Half way done!!!

Believe it or not, but we are about half-way finished with our paperwork in the big notebook! We have been flying through it....maybe because we are excited, or it might be the fact that I just can't get my mind off of it! Well, we still have to knock out a couple more sections in the notebook, and then we will be ready to turn it in completely!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

Well, here goes nothing. We just started the adoption process- so, we thought it would be nice to have a blog for people to follow as we make the journey. It tends to be a long process, so we'll do our best to keep updated on where we are at in the process on our blog. Thanks for checking us out!